• 1-620-697-2141
  • bo1@mchswecare.com
  • Elkhart, Kansas 67950


The Morton County Health System has had a long and proud history of serving Morton County and the residents of the surrounding areas. The first hospital was built by Dr William V. Tucker after World War I, it had 18 beds and a surgery unit. He and his partner Dr Harvey Hansen built a facility equipped with an x-ray, laboratory, nursery, patient rooms and an operating room.

During the 1950’s after the depression, population in Morton County started to increase and the need for a larger facility was present. A new hospital was dedicated Sept 15, 1957 and served the area well. The new facility brought about the beginnings of new services, new administration and a new drive to make Morton County a center of state of the art health care.

Over three decades, medicine continued to change. That brought about the need for even larger facility and opportunities for growth. Physicians came to the area that allowed the growth of the facility to continue and flourish, Dr. Dominador Perido general surgeon 1978, Dr’s Belino, internal medicine and Olivia Iway psychiatrist 1979, Dr Donny Beltran radiologist 1979, Dr’s Nativadad OB and Bert Cabrera, general surgeon 1980. The physicians established practices that flourished for many years, they started as young families and practiced here till retirement. Their dedication and commitment, along with love of the community formed the building blocks of this great facility. A newly renovated facility at the current location was dedicated November 9, 1980. This would not have happened without the community support by lobbying the politicians, raising funds and going door to door to help provide education and understanding of the great need and potential.

We are a small health system with full service departments that can provide radiology, laboratory, respiratory, cardiac rehab, physical therapy, med/surg nursing care, skilled swing bed care, telemedicine, mental health services and clinics in Elkhart and Rolla.
